The course Poetry in Design challenges students to dive into a poem and its (cultural) subtleties. These subtleties are then used as a guideline in the redesign of a product. The poem ”L’Infinito” by Giacomo Leopardi was analyzed and the subtleties were translated into the final design of SoundStone; a device that encourages the user to take a moment to center oneself during the hectic of everyday life. The object is designed to be placed on a desk in the work environment, consisting of two parts; a listening stone and a soft squeezable listening end. The object stimulates a break after lunch, resembling the Italian riposo, in order to come to rest during the day and be able to start with a refreshed mind afterward.To use it, simply put the stone to your ear and explore the sounds of your body with the other end. Through squeezing this object, SoundStone transports you to another place using sounds from nature in your area, based on your GPS location.