The EcoCoin is a project made during the Master Honors Academy program, in collaboration with Next Nature Network. The brief for the project was to envision new future currency, like the Eco Coin. ‘Imagine we had a special ECO currency for environmental value. Then people who add value to the environment can earn ECOs to feed their families’.
Our proposal was to start from refuse and use waste material to create value. The scenario selected was festivals and public celebrations that happen during the year in The Netherlands. What if we could motivate participants to keep their plastic glasses and their cans, let them bring them back to them to the bar, and use the waste as currency to get something else?
To get feedback on the concept, a questionnaire was sent and te group interview different people during a festival in Eindhoven, to get valid and spontaneous reactions. The majority of the people interview told that they would participate and that the idea of the having a cleaner festival location would motivate them to continue.
The concept has been tested during the DGTL festival in Amsterdam (2017). Here the link to the article.