The Process
Final Reflections
I found interesting to use the design process as a mean to critically discuss the role of technology in our society. Focussing on how we could change (a view on) society, we found a challenge in achieving more than awareness. We questioned if design could really solve the issues we wanted to address. This critical perspective on the work of our own design community elicited an ethical discussion on design, and it made me wonder that we perhaps can only critically design for the techno-societal issues that we created ourselves in the first place.
Adopting a Showroom approach, the concept should be credible to be accepted and taken into account, and the methods to achieve this can be manifold. We decided to turn our statements into a tangible object, which had an immediate connection with an already existing object, but by changing the purpose of use. And for our theme and for the research statement it was a winning method.
Analyzing the collected data by comparing the interactions and the statement, we were able to base design tactics on the outcomes of the Social-Media-Intervention. I was surprised by the fact that this perspective led to propositions of such clear design tactics as I somewhat expected it to be challenging to retrieve valuable insights from the collected data.
Within my group the organization of the meetings and the division of tasks was excellent. Working with seven people in a group has meant that each component would cover different roles at different times, and this has also meant that the pace of the designing process was always varied. During the first part of the course, I was involved in the research of case studies that could direct the choice for our design direction. I actively participated in the creation of the final concept: I created the campaign for the event, I chose with others as it should be the concept and its name, I defined the new intervention and during the experiment, I have really enjoyed playing the part of person capable of giving a solution to the problem. And for the final presentation, I made the presentation to be shown in front of the class.